Tuesday, July 31, 2007

no dna ;)

He found himself on a white beach, surrounded by turquoise sea and palms. He turned around drinking in the sights, waiting for her to appear. It really looked like they were stranded on a Caribbean isle, somewhere in the middle of the ocean. Surprising which things Stella liked for spending her dreams with.
“Hi, Dwane. Also here again?” Dwane swiveled around to see her standing before him, wearing a beautiful light blue bikini. She was smiling in a friendly way.
“You do remember me, Stella?” Dwane was amazed she still knew him.
“Of course I do. These eyes of yours are really too unusual to forget them. As it is, I’ve never seen such a shade as yours have.” She frowned. “I’m sorry, but I think we were interrupted the last time we talked. As far as I recall it was when I asked you how you knew my name… and how I could be able to help you, wasn’t it?”
“Um, yes, that was as far as we got. Well, how do I know your name? ...Does it really matter to you how I do?”
“Okay, you got me. Actually I don’t, you’re right. I guess, as this is a dream, and you are part of it, it isn’t that important, anyway, don’t you agree? It’s just funny that I’m dreaming of you so often.” She turned a little. “I think I’d like a coconut now. Want one, too?” Before Dwane could blink, she had a coconut with a straw in her hands, which she used to drink a little of the milk.
“No, thank you. To your other question, how could you help me?” He waited until he had her attention again. “I don’t know how I came in this state, and I must say, sorry as I might be, I can’t tell you how you can help me.”
“So you are telling me that I can help you, but not how? This is really a strange dream, even for my standards. Why can’t I simply dream about lying in a hammock on this beach, sipping some drink and being spoiled by some Adonis?”
Their surroundings started to blur. Dwane sensed she was about to wake, knowing he had to talk fast now. “Stella, this isn’t a dream. I am real, please, believe me, and I really do need your help!”
While she was staring at him, puzzled, the beach and everything else around them began to dissolve.
“But who are you, then?”
“I’m Dwane. Watch out when you’re awake, and you’ll find me. Pay attention to your sensations, Stella!“ He managed to cry out before he was forced to leave her dream.

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