Sunday, July 22, 2007

some things

have you ever wondered how much you're affected by your memories and experiences?
yup, they are the anchor of your personality. without them, you wouldn't be the one you are, you wouldn't act like you do, wouldn't like what you like. they determine everything about our characters.
to think, if we all would make exactly the same experiences, without the slightest difference, we would probably all be the same. thus there would be no diversity, no individuality. if you saw one, you saw all.
but that's not the case, thank whoever you want...
that also means, naturally, that all we experience in life changes us, our character, how we act, what and whom we like.
if you think closely about it, you even have changed in the little time you've needed to read this post so far. kind of scary, isn't it, to think that every little thing we do has an influence on ourselves? however, science knows that the human brain is subjected to a constant change. so, when you finish reading a book, there's quite a difference in the structure of your brain than before you started reading.
still, what happens if you are forgetting your experiences, all memories you have? well, that's something like one can observe in alzheimer. you lose the anchor of your personality, you lose yourself.

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