Tuesday, July 3, 2007

and on...

At the sound of that, Sian increased her speed to trot beside Stella. I hope you remember that I hate being rained on.
“Sure I do. The only strange thing is that you don’t mind getting wet from the underside. We both know that you can’t be stopped when it comes to swimming in anything looking even the tiniest bit like a lake! In this case you still behave like a Labrador.”
Well, somehow that legacy has to shine through!
“Legacy? Since when is rolling yourself around in mud puddles being considered a legacy? To say the very least, it was simply disgusting to clean up all the dirt you spread around in our flat that last time, especially on my nice, clean carpet.” Stella produced a sputtering sound with her lips. “Oh, let’s forget about it. Live and let live… okay, let’s say, live and let wallow.” She looked along the way, seeing another person, also with a dog approximately the same size as Sian, with light colored, curly fur, approaching. When they came nearer, she realized it was Theresa, one of her “dog-friends”, whom she had met on one of her afternoon strolls during Sian’s second year with her.
“Hey, Res, good to see you! How are you?” While Stella chatted with her friend, Sian and Ally, Theresa’s dog, ran back and forth along the way, playing and chasing themselves while growling and barking. To an onlooker it would have appeared dangerous, but both friends knew that it wasn’t in earnest, hearing that the now used play-barks were pitched much higher than the usual, threatening ones.
By the time Stella had said goodbye to Theresa and managed to get Sian away from Ally at last, almost half an hour had passed and the sky had darkened to a not too promising looking dark gray. Some minutes later, rain started to pour down. Stella ran, her hands protecting her head, her shoes and socks becoming saturated with the water from the puddles she jumped through. Looking back, she saw Sian following in her wake. They didn’t stop running until they found a big tree, the leaves of which provided at least some protection from the rain for them. Like on cue, both of them started to shake the water out of their hair, or rather fur.
Stella had to laugh. “Looks like we’re having a bit of bad luck today. Well, can’t be helped now. With a bit of luck, Res managed to get home in time. Isn’t far from here.” She tucked a strand of wet hair behind her ear and grimaced.

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