Sunday, July 1, 2007

sometimes it hurts...

creationism ideas are now spreading even in europe, and if you really read the articles about it in the newspapers, you think it better to give yourself a headshot...
first of all, creationism. for all who don't know, an absurd idea of a creator being responsible for how the world looks today. evolutionary theory? being based on facts? no, no, NO, absolutely not logical, senseless babbling of scientists. after all, there hasn't been a n y evolution since the "creation" of the universe. not at all! and they can "proof" it!!!! there's an encyclopedia out, with pictures of fossilized bones of animals that supposedly haven't changed until today, thus were created by a superior force. dios mío, just who the f*ck was able to think up all this crap?! natural sciences have detailed proof that the evolutionary theory we know today, that we have been taught about in biology, is, was, and very probably will be v a l i d ! ! ! i repeat: valid!!!
i really don't want to say that i'm taking the right for myself to forbid or tell anyone what to believe. really not. if you care so much about this idea, please continue, i've nothing against it. but don't try to replace it for valid, logic and provable theories, and leave it out of biology lessons. cause the next step will be introducing the concept of flowers and bees, and that would be the end of intelligence and sensibility! so, keep your creationism to information outside school. for the sake of worldwide inelligence!!!!!

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