Friday, July 13, 2007

yup, read on!

Stella slept very well. She dreamed of someone standing next to her. “Oh, little one, I wish so much you could help me.” She didn’t know what he (somehow she knew the speaker was a he) meant, but she really wanted to help him. Then the dream continued with him caressing the side of her face, so softly and tenderly she felt like melting. “It has been so long.” He was sad, very sad, lonely, and desperate. She could hear it in his voice. Although she couldn’t see him, she wanted to free him from the misery, the throbbing, terrible loneliness echoing out from it. If only she could help him…
There’s something extremely wrong in here! She sat up abruptly, still confused from sleeping, feeling disorientated and panic. “Hello, is someone there?” Nothing, no one, of course. What had she thought? There were locks everywhere, so no one could get in. Perhaps it were the aftereffects of that strange dream… Tapping sounds came closer, making her tense for a moment; but it was just Sian, returning from Stella’s living room. Letting out the breath she’d unconsciously been holding, she allowed her dog to jump up on her bed again, in fact, invited her to do so. “Hi, there. Have you only been thirsty, or was I snoring too loudly? Wouldn’t be the first time, I know” Sian only snuggled up to her. “Hey, my warning from before is still valid” Stella stroked her feline, surprised and amused at the purring sounds Sian immediately started to produce. Wow, didn’t know that dogs can purr as well. Perhaps their way to express that they’re feeling well.
Slowly she drifted back to sleep, soothed by Sian’s purrs, not dreaming until the next morning. She only thought once she could feel someone’s tears falling on her face…

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