Monday, July 16, 2007

on... (line ;) )

“Okay, Ms. Lewis, it looks like you have a hole in one of your teeth. I think we will have to pull it out, or else it will soon hurt like hell.”
Stella immediately started sweating. Bad enough she was afraid of every single appointment here, but this was beyond anything.
“I suppose you can’t sedate me, Doc?” She asked, voice shaking. “I know it’s silly, but I’m quite scared, having to face this procedure.” The dentist smiled sympathetically.
“You are right, we can’t. However, there is another possibility. I can hypnotize you so you won’t feel anything of this procedure. We are using it with other patients who are equally scared of them. The success rate is utterly remarkable, for as yet no patient noticed anything during minor treatments.”
“You could do that? Well, let’s get it over with, then, before I’m running out of here.” The doctor prepared his equipment, then returned, holding a crystal suspended by a string in his hand.
“Okay, I want you to follow the pendulum with your eyes now. Try not to blink. Just concentrate on watching the pendulum.” He said in a soothing voice. “You are growing tired and your eyelids become heavier and heavier. When I snip my fingers, you will find yourself again at a beautiful place and you will feel no pain. Ready? One, two, three.”As soon as the dentist snipped his fingers Stella’s eyes closed.

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