Wednesday, July 18, 2007

...niaga no :)

Dwane had watched the dentist examining Stella. Sensing her fear, he felt pity for her, especially when she started sweating after the doctor’s announcement. She really was afraid of what was awaiting her, judging from the waves of terror he felt, panic almost causing him to run. When the doctor hypnotized her, he moved to her side, taking her hand once she was unconscious.
He became caught by a hazy image, some sort of daydream. He was standing on a hilly meadow, a few feet away from her. She was sitting on the ground, staring at the sky. Looking around, he was amazed to see the sun standing just above the horizon, immersing the hills in a beautiful, warm light. Why, seems like she’s a romantic soul.
“Who are you?”
He whirled around, startled. Stella had turned and now was looking at him. For a moment, he was too dazed to answer, trying to find some words to explain this situation without frightening her. She didn’t look frightened, however, just curious.
“Who are you?” She asked again.
“Dwane. I’m Dwane.” He was only sure of his name.
“Hey, Dwane. I’m Stella. What are you doing here?”
“I know who you are. I came here because I thought you might be the one able to help me.”
“How do you know my name? And how could I be able to help you?” She frowned. “And why does your voice sound so familiar to me? It’s like I’ve met you somewhere, but I just can’t remember where.”
To him, it was a complete mystery, too. He had never said anything to her, never met her before.
“This must be a simple coincident. So, what do you say, Dwane?”
Just as he opened his mouth to answer her questions, though, the hilly landscape blurred, then vanished, along with her, and he found himself back in the treatment room, the doctor snipping his fingers again. Immediately he let go of her hand and moved back, out of the range where she would feel him.
“There you are, Ms. Lewis. The procedure went off without a hitch. We got the tooth out. Do you feel any pain?” The dentist smiled as Stella grimaced.
“No, Doc. Just feels strange. Thanks.”
Dwane impatiently waited, listening to the dentist’s advice and their small talk, relieved when they finally finished. He was still thinking about what she had said during her hypnosis, not being able to make any sense out of it. How had he been able to communicate with her, simply by touching her? Was it some kind of telepathy, triggered by his current condition? It would be sensible to assume it was, for he suddenly realized he had touched her once before, the time she had been sleeping, probably projecting his thoughts of that very moment to her. That had to be the reason. She could sense his presence when awake; he could communicate with her when she was unconscious. He had found out why she knew his voice, and a way at least to try to escape his situation.

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