Tuesday, July 10, 2007


i proudly present: chapter 3
Trying as hard as she could, Stella couldn’t concentrate on her work, though. The eerie happenings earlier that very afternoon were still spooking her, a lot. At last, she gave up, sighing and pushing a hand through her hair, and amused herself by watching Sian sleep. Her dog never slept very silently, first snoring loudly (sometimes so much it woke her up herself), and then, when dreaming, with her limbs jerking and her whiskers quivering. Despite her dog’s usual agitation, watching Sian somehow soothed her frazzled nerves. The inexplicable effects of a canine. Incredible. Stella knew she wouldn’t manage much that day any more, distracted as she was, so she decided to call it quits and go to bed early. Surely the world would look a helluva lot different tomorrow. Silently, intending not to wake Sian, Stella checked the locks in her apartment and tiptoed into her sleeping room, yawning. She stripped and put on a soft sleep shirt, the one she liked very much. Suddenly she heard quiet, tapping sounds, coming closer. She smiled without turning around.
“I know I must learn teleportation someday. Or is it that you are very sensitive of my presence or absence?” To answer her question, Sian jumped on Stella’s bed and made herself comfortable.
“I warn you, if you think of sleeping on the whole width of my bed again, I’ll throw you out!”
In reality, however, Stella was quite relieved that Sian didn’t leave her alone, especially not after that strange day. Therefore, she crawled in beside her dog, enjoying the calming warmth Sian was radiating. All of a sudden, she became that tired she barely managed to switch of the lights in her room before she fell asleep. She was sleeping so deeply that she didn’t even notice when Sian jumped off the bed and quickly padded off, her claws producing loud, clicking noises on the floor.

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