Friday, August 31, 2007

my soul

with your coming, my life started
i couldn't believe it was finally me
to whom these things happened
for a short time, you felt like heaven
like my destiny, everything i had ever hoped for,
and more
i was so foolish.
now there's a wound in my soul
so deep, so painful,
wanting to tear me apart
but i can't let it show
and i can't let go...
i refuse to be weak
refuse to give up,
myself, and us
refuse to accept loneliness
you made me forget the feeling
at least for a while
our beautiful summer has come to an end
now starts the rain
i'm cold, wet, shivering...
but in spite of all
you're the warmth
that can make the cold go away
the rain stop
and our summer reappear
though the wound will leave a scar
that will never vanish from my soul

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