Tuesday, September 4, 2007


wow, the definition of my blog. actually it's all about thoughts... ok, and impressions... and i admitted i would bring up anything i want, so i'm free in choice...
i won't start with those things like: where do we come from? where do we go? what is it all about?
there are enough people out there wondering about those questions already.
no, i'll take a different approach...
have you ever noticed that, even if you think you know something completely, that in fact you don't? it's like the world in its whole is a puzzle, and each of us is and at the same time holds one piece. hard to imagine? just take a look at the normal family. you and a cousin know your grandparents, but you probably won't know his. and absolutely not his cousins, nor their grandparents. we're all pieces that fit together some way, but we all only know of the others which sides come to rest with ours, and the other way round...
take a little time and think about it

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