Thursday, September 13, 2007


i'm soory but there won't be any posts for a while now, 'cause i'm having problems with my internet access, among several other things. i'll try to get back online as soon as i can...

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


and other catastrophes. you may know enough about the whole topic, so you won't need me to chew it all up again. i'm pulling a lazy one... ;)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


wow, the definition of my blog. actually it's all about thoughts... ok, and impressions... and i admitted i would bring up anything i want, so i'm free in choice...
i won't start with those things like: where do we come from? where do we go? what is it all about?
there are enough people out there wondering about those questions already.
no, i'll take a different approach...
have you ever noticed that, even if you think you know something completely, that in fact you don't? it's like the world in its whole is a puzzle, and each of us is and at the same time holds one piece. hard to imagine? just take a look at the normal family. you and a cousin know your grandparents, but you probably won't know his. and absolutely not his cousins, nor their grandparents. we're all pieces that fit together some way, but we all only know of the others which sides come to rest with ours, and the other way round...
take a little time and think about it

Monday, September 3, 2007

Sunday, September 2, 2007

what if...

what if i'd never met you, the day you saw us on the way to we hadn't known yet?
what if we hadn't come with you and your friends?
what if we'd never had the chance to talk?
what if you hadn't noticed my intelligence?
what if we hadn't come to know each other?
what if we hadn't fallen in love?
what if i'd quit after the first crisis?
what if we hadn't started again?
i'd still be lonely.
still cold.
still the one on the fringes.
i'd still have no real life, only going through the motions society expects.
still dream of things i'd never expected to happen.
i'd still be without you

Saturday, September 1, 2007


uahh, forgive me for saying this, but i hate pink.
NO, not the singer! she's great! the color! i can't understand why there are women who want every damn thing they own to be pink. bright pink. i mean, it hurts your eyes just to look at them. ok, i'm a woman as well, but in my entire closet, there's only one (!) piece in pink. and i couldn't avoid it, either, 'cause it was part of a three-piece set of shirts i bought.
and what's worse, please excuse my whispering, it looks good on me...
hey, all you ladies in pink out there, what about taking a good look at the other colors that exist? there are so damn beautiful shades of them, how about that? i mean, there's red, blue, green, purple, yellow, and so very many shades in between. please do our eyes a favor and try out some of them, for a change!